[1] Gracian Trivino and Alberto Alvarez-Alvarez. Bright beacon system for traffic management in case of reducing the number of lanes. es2378103, April 2012. For example, this system helps to control the traffic flow in case of an accident occuping part of the road.
[2] Gracian Trivino and Jose M. Fernandez-Arroyo. Instrument to measure the mobility arcs of the shoulder. es20090000804 20090317, 02 2012. For example, to measure the recovery evolution after shoulder surgeries.
[3] Gracian Trivino. Personalized detector of anomalies in the normal style of driving, es20080000288 20080125, 06 2010. For example, it learns your style of driving in your rutinely way and it warns you in case of detecting sleeping or distracted style of driving
[4] Gracian Trivino et al. Simulation system for arthroscopic surgery training. us2010086905, April 2010. It can be used for teaching, learning and training new technics of arthroscopic surgery [5] Gracian Trivino, Gonzalo Bailador, and Others. Remote controller for display systems, es2293783, June 2009. It can be used to create a flexible and waterproof TV remote controller
[6] G. Trivino Barros. Device for remotely interchanging tactile communications, 06 2007. DISPOSITIVO PARA EL INTERCAMBIO A DISTANCIA DE SENSACIONES TACTILES . For example two persons could touch the tip of their fingers during a video-conference
[7] Gracian Trivino. Instrument to measure the driving quality of vehicles, es2245219, December 2005. For example, It can be used for monitoring the style of driving of a schoolar bus driver
[8] Gracian Trivino. Container type blister to commercialize adhesives with one and two components, es2201881, March 2004. It consists of a type of container for easy storage and use of adhesives when used in small quantities. It can be used to split adhesives into independent dosis portions
[9] Gracian Trivino. Instrument to measure the mechanical properties of thin elastic membranes, es2235610, 07 2003. It has been used in the development of biodegradable biological membranes
Advised theses
[10] Daniel Sanchez Valdes. Contribucion teorico-practica en el modelado lingüístico de fenómenos complejos. PhD thesis, Oviedo University, Asturias, Spain, 2015
[11] Carlos Menendez. Energy Advisory Services at households. PhD thesis, Oviedo University, Asturias, Spain, 2014
[12] Norberto Canas de Paz. Study of software reliability in speed controllers for autonomous mobile robots. PhD thesis, Politechnic University Madrid, Spain, 2013[13] Alberto Alvarez-Alvarez. Linguistic Description of Complex Phenomena. PhD thesis, Oviedo University, Asturias, Spain, 2012
[14] Gonzalo Bailador. Modelling temporal patterns using soft computing techniques. Application to the analysis of human body movements. PhD thesis, Politechnic University Madrid, Spain, 2011
[15] Jose San Martin. Contributions to the mechanical design of computational trainers based on virtual reality. PhD thesis, King Juan Carlos University, Madrid Spain, 2005
[16] Daniel Sanchez-Valdes, Alberto Alvarez-Alvarez, and Gracian Trivino. Dynamic linguistic descriptions of time series applied to self-track the physical activity. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2015
[17] Daniel Sanchez-Valdes, Alberto Alvarez-Alvarez, and Gracian Trivino. Walking pattern classification using a granular linguistic analysis. Applied Soft Computing, 33:100–113, 2015
[18] Patricia Conde-Clemente, Jose M. Alonso, and Gracian Trivino. inprofilephoto: a mobile app to assist people with visual disabilities in taking profile photos. Mathware & Soft Computing, 21(1):23–25, June 2014
[19] Lara González-Villanueva, Alberto Alvarez-Alvarez, Luca Ascari, and Gracian Trivino. A tool for linguistic assessment of rehabilitation exercises. Applied Soft Computing, 14(Part A):120–131, January 2014
[20] Carlos Menendez, Luka Eciolaza, and Gracian Trivino. Generating advices with emotional content for promoting efficient consumption of energy. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 22(5):677–697, 2014
[21] Daniel Sanchez-Valdes and Gracian Trivino. Computational perceptions of uninterpretable data. a case study on the linguistic modeling of human gait as a quasiperiodic phenomenon. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 253:101–121, 2014
[22] Enric Trillas, Claudio Moraga, and Gracian Trivino. Weighting the support conjectures inherit from premises. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 0:0–0, 2014
[23] Alberto Alvarez-Alvarez, Jos´e M. Alonso, and Gracian Trivino. Human activity recognition in indoor environments by means of fusing information extracted from intensity of WiFi signal and accelerations. Information Sciences, 2013
[24] Alberto Alvarez-Alvarez and Gracian Trivino. Linguistic description of the human gait quality. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 26(1):13–23, January 2013
[25] Luis Arguelles and Gracian Trivino. I-struve: Automatic linguistic descriptions of visual double stars. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 26(9):2083–2092, 2013
[26] Luka. Eciolaza, Martin. Pereira-Fari˜na, and Gracian. Trivino. Automatic linguistic reporting in driving simulation environments. Applied Soft Computing, 13(9):3956–3967, 2013
[27] Daniel Sanchez-Valdes, Alberto Alvarez-Alvarez, and Gracian Trivino. Linguistic description about circular structures of the mars surface. Applied Soft Computing, 13(12):4738–4749, December 2013
[28] Daniel Sanchez-Valdes and Gracian Trivino. Computational perceptions of uninterpretable data. A case study on the linguistic modeling of human gait as a quasiperiodic phenomenon. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2013
[29] G. Trivino and M. Sugeno. Towards linguistic descriptions of phenomena. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 54(1):22–34, January 2013
[30] Alberto Alvarez-Alvarez, Daniel Sanchez-Valdes, Gracian Trivino, Angel Sanchez, and Pedro D. Suarez. Automatic linguistic report of traffic evolution in roads. Expert Systems with Applications, 39(12):11293–11302, September 2012
[31] Alberto Alvarez-Alvarez, Gracian Trivino, and Oscar Cordón. Human gait modeling using a genetic fuzzy finite state machine. Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on, 20(2):205–223, April 2012
[32] Carmen Mart´ınez-Cruz, Albert van der Heide, Daniel S´anchez, and Gracian Trivino. An approximation to the computational theory of perceptions using ontologies. Expert Syst. Appl., 39(10):9494–9503, 2012
[33] J San Martin and G Trivino. Optimization of Manipulability in the Design of a Surgery Trainer based on Virtual Reality. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 12(1):10, 2012
[34] M. Gloria Sanchez-Torrubia, Carmen Torres-Blanc, and Gracian Trivino. An approach to automatic learning assessment based on the computational theory of perceptions. Expert Systems with Applications, 39(15):12177 – 12191, 2012
[35] Gonzalo Bailador and Gracian Trivino. Pattern recognition using temporal fuzzy automata. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 161(1):37–55, 2010
[36] Gracian Trivino, Alberto Alvarez-Alvarez, and Gonzalo Bailador. Application of the computational theory of perceptions to human gait pattern recognition. Pattern Recognition, 43(7):2572–2581, July 2010
[37] Gracian Trivino, Luis Mengual, and Albert Van der Heide. Towards an architecture for semiautonomous robot telecontrol systems. Information Sciences, 179(23):3973–3984, 2009
[38] Raffaella Pagani, M Concepcion Serrano, Juan V Comas, Gracian Trivino, and M Teresa Portoles. Tissue engineering: designing cardiovascular grafts. Anales De La Real Academia Nacional De Farmacia, 73(4):873–900, 2007
[39] Gracian Trivino, Marıa Concepcion Serrano, Raffaella Pagani, and Marıa Teresa Portoles. A customizable instrument for measuring the mechanical properties of thin biomedical membranes. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 290(10):953–960, 2005
[40] JM Fernandez-Arroyo, L Pastor, JM Espadero, S Bayona, and G Trivino. Aplicaciones de tecnicas de realidad virtual en el aprendizaje artroscopico. introduccion, posibilidades y actualizaci´on. Cuadernos de Artroscopia, 11(2):8–13, 2004
[41] Gracian Trivino Barros. Una propuesta para la arquitectura informatica del sistema de control de un edificio. Informes de la Construccion, 56(494):27–34, 2004
[42] Gracian Trivino Barros. El edificio como un sistema de gestion de informacion. Informes de la Construcci´on, 55(488):53–62, 2003
[43] Gracian Trivino and Alvaro Marchesi. Conceptos, procedimientos, actitudes y su aplicacion en robotica. Infancia y aprendizaje, 24(2):255–272, 2001
[44] Patricia Conde-Clemente, Jose M. Alonso, and Gracian Trivino. Extensión del concepto de percepción computacional utilizando z-numbers. In XVII Spanish conference for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (ESTYLF), pages 387–392, Zaragoza, Spain, February 2014
[46] Patricia Conde Clemente, J. M. Alonso, and G. Trivino. Interpretable fuzzy system allowing to be framed in a profile photo through linguistic expressions. In J. Montero, G. Pasi, and D. Ciucci, editors, 8th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT), pages 463–468. Atlantis Press, 2013
[47] Lara Gonz´alez-Villanueva, Alberto Alvarez-Alvarez, Luca Ascari, and Gracian Trivino. Computational model of human body motion performing a complex exercise by means of a fuzzy finite state machine. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical Imaging Using Bio-Inspired and Soft Computing (MIBISOC2013), Brussels, Belgium, May 2013
[48] Carmen Martínez-Cruz, Daniel Sánchez, and Gracian Trivino. Three main components of experience base in linguistic description of data. In FUZZ-IEEE, pages 1–6. IEEE, 2013
[49] E.O. Nunes, A. S´anchez, and Trivino G. Computational theory of perceptions applied to automatic analysis of forest degradation. In Proc. 11th Brazilian Congress on Computational Intelligence (CBIC-13), Porto de Galinhas, Brasil, Septiembre 2013
[50] M. G. Sanchez-Torrubia, C. Torres-Blanc, and G. Trivino. Formative criterion-based assessment for moodle quizzes using intelligent computing. In Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2013 IEEE, 2013
[51] Oscar Ambres and Gracian Trivino. Gait quality monitoring using an arbitrarily oriented smartphone. In Ambient Assisted Living and Home Care, pages 224–231, Vitoria, Spain, 2012. Springer Berlin Heidelberg
[52] O Ambres and G Trivino. Gait quality monitoring using an arbitrarily oriented smartphone. In IWAAL’2012, Vitoria, Spain, 2012
[53] C. Menendez and G. Trivino. Selection of the best suitable sentences in linguistic descriptions of data. In 2012. Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag, editor, International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems, pages 295–304, Catania, Italy, 2012
[54] M Pereira-Farina, L Eciolaza, and G Trivino. Quality assessment of linguistic description of data. In ESTYLF2012: XVII Congreso Espanol sobre Tecnologias y Logica Fuzzy, volume 2, pages 295–304, 2012
[55] Daniel Sanchez-Valdes, Alberto Alvarez-Alvarez, and Gracian Trivino. Linguistic description of the traffic evolution in roads. In Actas XVI Congreso Español sobre Tecnolog´ıas y Lógica Fuzzy (ESTYLF), Valladolid, Spain, pages 614–619, February 2012
[56] D Sanchez-Valdes, L Eciolaza, and G Trivino. Linguistic description of human activity based on mobile phone’s accelerometers. In IWAAL’2012, Vitoria, Spain, 2012
[57] Alberto Alvarez-Alvarez, Daniel Sanchez-Valdes, and Gracian Trivino. Automatic linguistic description about relevant features of the mars surface. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), C´ordoba, Spain, pages 154–159, November 2011
[58] Alberto Alvarez-Alvarez and Gracian Trivino. Automatic linguistic report on the quality of the gait of a person. In 1st International Open Workshop Fuzziness and Medicine (FUZZ-MED), Mieres, Spain, March 2011
[59] Alberto Alvarez-Alvarez, Gracian Trivino, and Oscar Cordón. Body posture recognition by means of a genetic fuzzy finite state machine. In Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Workshop on Genetic and Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems (GEFS), Paris, France, pages 60–65, April 2011
[60] Clara Barroso and Gracian Trivino. Some preliminary reflections on the epistemology of computational theory of perceptions. In Proceedings of the 7th conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, pages 605–612. Atlantis Press, 2011
[61] Luka Eciolaza and Gracian Trivino. Linguistic reporting of driver behavior: Summary and event description. In Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), 2011 11th International Conference on, pages 148–153. IEEE, 2011
[62] Luka Eciolaza, Gracian Trivino, Beatriz Delgado, Josefa Rojas, and Matias Sevillano. Fuzzy linguistic reporting in driving simulators. In Computational Intelligence in Vehicles and Transportation Systems (CIVTS), 2011 IEEE Symposium on, pages 30–37. IEEE, 2011
[63] Carlos Menendez-Gonzalez and Gracian Trivino. Olap navigation in the granular linguistic model of a phenomenon. In Computational Intelligence and Data Mining (CIDM), 2011 IEEE Symposium on, pages 260–267. IEEE, 2011
[64] Gloria S´anchez-Torrubia, Carmen Torres-Blanc, and Gracian Trivino. Glmp for automatic assessment of dfs algorithm learning. In Proceedings of the 16th annual joint conference on Innovation and technology in computer science education, pages 351–351. ACM, 2011
[65] Albert Van Der Heide, Daniel S´anchez, and Gracian Trivino. Computational models of affect and fuzzy logic. In Proceedings of the 7th conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, pages 620–627. Atlantis Press, 2011
[66] Alberto Alvarez-Alvarez, José M. Alonso, Gracian Trivino, Noelia Hernández, Fernando Herranz, Angel Llamazares, and Manuel Oca˜na. Human activity recognition applying computational intelligence techniques for fusing information related to WiFi positioning and body posture. In Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), Barcelona, Spain, pages 1881–1885, July 2010
[67] Alberto Alvarez-Alvarez, Jos´e M. Alonso, Gracian Trivino, Noelia Hern´andez, Fernando Herranz, and Manuel Oca˜na. Towards people indoor localization combining WiFi and human motion recognition. In Actas XV Congreso Espa˜nol sobre Tecnolog´ıas y L´ogica Fuzzy (ESTYLF), Huelva, Spain, pages 7–12, February 2010
[68] Albert van der Heide and Gracian Trivino. A prototype of a machine speaking with emotions. In Actas del XV Congreso Espa˜nol sobre Tecnolog´ıas y L´ogica Fuzzy, ESTYLF 2010, pages 55–60, Huelva, Spain, 2010
[69] Albert van der Heide and Gracian Trivino. Simulating emotional personality in human computer interfaces. In Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ), 2010 IEEE International Conference on, pages 1–7. IEEE, 2010
[70] Sheila Mendez-Nunez and Gracian Trivino. Combining semantic web technologies and computational theory of perceptions for text generation in financial analysis. In Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ), 2010 IEEE International Conference on, pages 1–8. IEEE, 2010
[71] Gracian Trivino, Alejandro Sanchez, Antonio S Montemayor, Juan Jos´e Pantrigo, Raul Cabido, and Eduardo G Pardo. Linguistic description of traffic in a roundabout. In Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ), 2010 IEEE International Conference on, pages 1–8. IEEE, 2010
[72] Alberto Alvarez-Alvarez and Gracian Trivino. Comprehensible model of a quasiperiodic signal. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), Pisa, Italy, pages 450–455, December 2009
[73] Albert van der Heide and Gracian Trivino. Automatically generated linguistic summaries of energy consumption data. In 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, ISDA´09., number 0, pages 553–559. IEEE Computer Society, 2009
[74] Gracian Trivino and Alejandro Sobrino. Human perceptions versus computational perceptions in computational theory of perceptions. In IFSA/EUSFLAT Conf., pages 327–332, 2009
[75] Gonzalo Bailador, Gracian Trivino, and Albert van der Heide. Fuzzy sets of quasiperiodic signals. In XIV Congreso espanol sobre tecnologia y logica fuzzy (ESTYLF2008), 2008
[76] Felipe Fernandez, Julio Gutierrez, Gracian Trivino, and Juan Carlos Crespo. Improvement of approximation properties of a first-order takagi-sugeno fuzzy systema. page 321. World Scientific, 2008
[77] Gracian Trivino and Albert van der Heide. An experiment on the description of sequences of fuzzy perceptions. In Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 2008. HIS’08. Eighth International Conference on, pages 228–233. IEEE, 2008 10
[78] Gracian Trivino and Albert van der Heide. Linguistic summarization of the human activity using skin conductivity and accelerometers. In Proceedings of the Conference Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge Based Systems (IPMU), pages 1583–1589, 2008
[79] Gonzalo Bailador, Daniel Roggen, Gerhard Tr¨oster, and Gracian Trivino. Real time gesture recognition using continuous time recurrent neural networks. In Proceedings of the ICST 2nd international conference on Body area networks, page 15. ICST (Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering), 2007
[80] Jose San Martin, Gracian Trivino, and Sofia Bayona. Mechanical design of a minimally invasive surgery trainer using the manipulability as measure of optimization. In Mechatronics, ICM2007 4th IEEE International Conference on, pages 1–5. IEEE, 2007
[81] A Sanz, F Fern´andez, J Guti´errez, G Trivino, A Sanchez, JC Crespo, and A Mazadiego. Motion adaptive video deinterlacing using one dimensional fuzzy fir filters. In I Seminario sobre Sistemas Inteligentes 2006. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, 2007
[82] Gracian Trivino and Jose San Martin. A fuzzy logic approach to the concept of manipulability in mechanics. In Fuzzy Systems Conference, 2007. FUZZ-IEEE 2007. IEEE International, pages 1–5. IEEE, 2007
[83] Gonzalo Bailador, Gracian Trivino, and Sergio Guadarrama. Gesture recognition using a neuro-fuzzy predictor. In Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ASC 2006), pages 268–272, Palma de Mallorca, Islas Baleares, Spain, August 2006
[84] Felipe Fern´andez, Julio Guti´errez, Gracian Trivino, and Juan Carlos Crespo. Improvement of first-order takagi-sugeno models using local uniform b-splines. In IPMU2006, Paris, France, 2006
[85] Jose San Martin and Gracian Trivino. Manipulability map as design criteria in systems including a haptic device. In proceedings of ENACTIVE 2006, page 221, Montpellier, France, November 2006
[86] Jos´e San Mart´ın and Gracian Trivino. A study of the manipulability of the phantom omni haptic interface. In Vriphys: 3rd Workshop in Virtual Realitiy, Interactions, and Physical Simulation, pages 127–128. The Eurographics Association, 2006
[87] A Sanz, F Fern´andez, J Guti´errez, G Trivino, A S´anchez, JC Crespo, and A Mazadiego. Video deinterlacing using adaptive fuzzy filters. In Applied Computational Intelligence. Proceedings of the 6th International FLINS Conference., pages 397–402, Blankenberge, Belgium, September 2004
[88] Felipe Fern´andez, Julio Guti´errez, Juan Carlos Crespo, and Gracian Trivino. A shapepreserving affine takagi-sugeno model based on a piecewise constant nonuniform fuzzyfication transform. In Proceedings of the International Conference WSEAS 2002, 2002
[89] Gracian Trivino, JC Crespo, and F Fern´andez. The cpa paradigm for autonomous mobile robot knowledge representation. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing, Robotics and Automation, Cadiz, Spain, 2002 11
[90] Gracian Trivino and Felipe Fern´andez. Development of a digital instrument as a motivational component in teaching embedded computers. In Proceedings of the 2002 workshop on Computer architecture education: Held in conjunction with the 29th International Symposium on Computer Architecture, page 17. ACM, 2002
Book chapters
[91] Alberto Alvarez-Alvarez and Gracian Trivino. Automatic linguistic report on the quality of the gait of a person. In Rudolf Seising and Marco Tabacchi, editors, Fuzziness and Medicine: Philosophical Reflections and Application Systems in Health Care, volume 302 of Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, pages 159–172. Springer, 2013
[92] Daniel Sanchez-Valdes and Gracian Trivino. Increasing the granularity degree in linguistic descriptions of quasi-periodic phenomena. In Flexible Query Answering Systems, pages 281–292. Springer, 2013
[93] G. Trivino and D. Sanchez. Metaphors for linguistic description of data. In E. Trillas, P. Bonissone, L. Magdalena, and J. Kacprzyk, editors, Combining Experimentation and Theory, volume 271 of Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, pages 287–300. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2013
[94] Carlos Menendez and Gracian Trivino. Selection of the best suitable sentences in linguistic descriptions of data. In Advances in Computational Intelligence, pages 295–304. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012
[95] Jose San Martin and Gracian Trivino. Measurement of suitability of a haptic device in a virtual reality system. In Virtual Reality, pages 367–375. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007
[96] Luis Mengual, Jes´us Bobadilla, and Gracian Trivino. A fuzzy multi-agent system for secure remote control of a mobile guard robot. In Advances in Web Intelligence, pages 44–53. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2004
[97] Felipe Fern´andez, Julio Guti´errez, Juan Carlos Crespo, and Gracian Trivino. Construction of shape-preserving affine takagi-sugeno systems via linear-rational spline fuzzy partitions. In Applications and Science in Soft Computing, pages 179–186. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2004